Young MC – Bust a move
Wedding Dance Funny
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Young MC – Bust a move
Wedding Dance Funny
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{ 22 comments… read them below or add one }
Yep, this is the best. It combines the two essential elements that rap had to offer – thought and fun. Everybody knows this song by heart. Everybody is happier when it is? on. Hip hop just doesn’t understand how to make music like this
Thumbs up? if your still listening in? 2012!
The Blind Side!?
Classic? Rock?
Dude where’s my? car?!
And i guess 2? people Hate BUSTING A MOVE !!
Any of this would Kick Eminems? fuckin ass!!
omg, absolutely, i mean no? doubt
And what comes next hey BUST A MOVE!? classic
Thumbs up if your still? listening in 2011!
@MotleygnrCrue: They got asses ? Since when ? ?
Nice i searched this song a long time? since i saw the first time “Ey Dude,Where is my Car” Nice thx i love this song
f?????????????????ú?ú?úúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúú???????????????????úúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúújjjjjjjj takova kravina? vetsi sem nevidel !!!!!!!
nuttin’ can? be better! oldskool ftw
what could be greater than oldschool-rap?!?
This could kick T-Pain and Lil Wayne’s asses? any day…