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Wedding Dance Funny
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Wedding Dance Funny
Previous post: FUNNY FACES … ICH WILL GELD !!! …the best man nr.1
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amk? salklari
imagine they were really dancing? to this song..
Vay amina koyiyim? ya
I think the dance floor is in a cruise ship and it started? rocking.
the guy in? orange is from prince from bel air WILLY )
wtf did? i ust watch lmao
Dunk:Shahahaha xD TURKSH?
be polite! we call that sausage party ?
Just one? ?: Where’s the women?
Dude,? he did a FLIP…well kinda
hahaha nice !! they? drunk ass hell
@csaraiba? jajajajajaja
Cuatro ruedas tiene mi coche,? cuatro pastillas me tomo esta noche (8)
@GasMaskSS How do you know? that?
nahh quiero probar esa? droga!!!! Jajajajaja tan todos locos ahi
A? mi me gustan las pastillas rojas verdes y amarillas..
a ponerese a ponerse 2:13 the orange guy falls ^^
They are Kurdish,? not Turks.
Did they all of a sudden get? fucked at 1:44? :L
@Glimmerman25 -.- was? willst du du opfer? hdf huso
-.-? okok
Im muslim aswell lmao then how can i look? at myself?
so what?? r u stupid man?