Folge 3503 Carla und Stella , Maria Galdi


in Lustig, Wedding Dance

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Video Bewertung: 4 / 5

Wedding Dance Funny

{ 14 comments… read them below or add one }

Andrea Katherine Pinto Martinez Februar 11, 2013 um 16:12

WOW! Ansgar has? feelings!!


cecilebabe Februar 11, 2013 um 16:47

I think this storyline was? baddly handled… both characters deserved a better treatment…..


christina perry Februar 11, 2013 um 16:51

i have to say but i have watched hanna and carla stories but i say that carla was more in love with hanna but i like stella though their storyline was a roller coaster ride but so happy they both end up happy, i just wished they have put more passion and romance in their story, if i’m not mistaken i have never heard carla say i love you when they are together? with stella— correct me if i’m wrong. PEACE!


sarola13 Februar 11, 2013 um 17:28

My reason to? watch this soap ended with this episode


KishDevilish Februar 11, 2013 um 18:08

..So this is the end for Carla and Stella or do they ever come back? I’m? anxious to know!
And poor Sophia, being all forgotten and left out xD


DieVerzaubernd Februar 11, 2013 um 18:55

yes she have a daughter named Sophia and i think she’s coming with them? to the trip


balderas49 Februar 11, 2013 um 19:37

The best couple ever!!! they need to have those characters? come back!!!!!!!!!


meli271191 Februar 11, 2013 um 19:55

didnt she had a? daughter??


meli271191 Februar 11, 2013 um 20:32

didnt she had? a daughter??


meli271191 Februar 11, 2013 um 21:04

DIDNT SHE HAD A daughter???


flashdanc Februar 11, 2013 um 21:23

stella schon verheiratet. die sache ist so dämlich das es schon nicht mehr geht.
wer denkt sich so einen mist aus. anstatt sich mehr dem paar? starla zu widmen, dieser blödsinn…

the best and for me- carla go to france and live here family with susanne and sophia.


coxanh84 Februar 11, 2013 um 22:01

i don’t care? about angcar
i just want to know about carla and stella


wickedfan7681 Februar 11, 2013 um 22:52

so is? it over?


jiji851 Februar 12, 2013 um 03:32

part 2:

when she is totally freaking out and decides she needs to divorce from paul right away and invites him, he laughs his head off. because it was only a friend of them wearing the captains hat and the marriage is not valid. Happy end for her and carla, they say goodbye to head for? the great world.


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