“Brautalarm” Interview with Kristen Wiig


in Hochzeit Lachen

Ines hat Kristen Wiig, Melissa McCarthy und den Regisseur Paul Feig zu einem exklusiven Interview getroffen. Wenn man „Brautalarm” hört, denkt man an Hochzeit und Frauen aka unlustig. Lässt man allerdings die Hauptrolle von “Saturday-Night-Live” -Star Kristen Wiig spielen, kommt man aus dem Lachen nicht mehr raus. Besonders wenn sich die Braut (Maya Rudolph) bei den Hochzeitsvorbereitungen gnadenlos auf der Straße selber „einkackt”! Eine Komödie über Freundschaft, Rivalität und den Kampf mit harten Bandagen – unverfroren, sexy und witzig.
Video Bewertung: 5 / 5

hochzeit lustig lachen

{ 12 comments… read them below or add one }

fancyfeast84 Mai 20, 2012 um 11:32

She’s definitely German. “Brautalarm” is also German for “Bride Alarm.” I’m an American living in Germany, so I know this accent pretty? well.


SkiGoddess07 Mai 20, 2012 um 11:58

German?…she sounds chinese…?


CdnBacon13 Mai 20, 2012 um 12:49

1:35 BRAUT ALARM!? Ahahaha,? Melissa McCarthy.


CdnBacon13 Mai 20, 2012 um 13:11

OKAY. I am SICK and TIRED of people saying that Bridesmaids is a chick flick or just for girls and that girls shitting themselves isn’t funny. FIRST of all, Bridesmaids is the FURTHEST movie away from? being a chick flick. It’s called a COMEDY. And SECOND of all when people in general REGARDLESS of their gender shit themselves in a movie it is FUNNY AS HELL, Bridesmaids is one of the best movies I’ve EVER seen, PERIOD.


ClarissaEleven Mai 20, 2012 um 14:04

the interviewer sounds like Silje Norendal? !


Rosalila Mai 20, 2012 um 14:54

I wonder if the interviewer was even interested in the? movie


fancyfeast84 Mai 20, 2012 um 15:52

Ach, sorry guys,? but you could’ve found a more natural interviewer. The interviewer didn’t sound like she knew what she was doing, and her German accent is super heavy.


laikamq Mai 20, 2012 um 16:35

i had snowflakes on and i kept thinking melissa was trying to grab them, man was i confuzzled for a? sec there!


christmastreetrimmer Mai 20, 2012 um 16:43

Oh god this is my? favorite interview ever, haha. Every time the one asking the question says “shitting herself” I laugh uncontrollably. haha.


wdsa8d Mai 20, 2012 um 16:56

sad with a beautiful face. lol?


CrankZero Mai 20, 2012 um 17:11

wiso machst du es dann ???? ohne sinn


My8Mile Mai 20, 2012 um 18:06

Erster :D nein spaß sowas nervt :D ?


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