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Wedding Dance Funny
Das originelle Geschenk zur Hochzeit
Stärken Sie spielend die Beziehung mit Ihrem Hochzeitsgeschenk!
in Lustig, Wedding Dance
Previous post: Björn und Sarina – Hochzeitstanz mal anders!
Next post: Crazy Wedding dance(1)
Video enthüllt: Das perfekte Hochzeitsgeschenk für das Brautpaar
Individuell & originell:
Die perfekte Erinnerung an “den Tag” des Paares
• Die totale Überraschung in 4 Schritten!
• Empfohlen von “Perfect Day”, “Geschenk.de” und “Geschenke-Total.de”
Erfahren Sie jetzt, wie Sie 9 teuere Fehler bei der Geschenkewahl vermeiden, den Unterschied zwischen Preis & Wert und vieles mehr unter Festnetz 04821-1490538.
* Gratis. Zu jeder Zeit. 24 Std. Voraufgezeichnet *
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{ 25 comments… read them below or add one }
This song goes perfect? with this video clip
na aZizam in Azari Irani hastesH? ~
?~ ragHseshammmmm Azari hastesh ~ ?
thanks =) vali bazia? migand ke kordie ??
I can not thank you enough for your sweet thoughts. Love you all and wish you the best <3 I hope to see all people dancing like this? on the Mullah’s grave .. LOL , Peymaneh.
is that an azari? song or a kurdish song??
@chantale7 ?????? ?????? Happy? Birthday ? Chantale jan
my aunt dances to this with her dad. i freakin love this song!?
Made? my morning.. Thanks.
=) ahahahaha this is so cute I reeeaally love? it
I could watch it all the time
i use a program called “”atube catcher”" just google —>? atube catcher
how I can download from youtube? If anyone knows, please? let me know how to do it. thanks,
how? I can download from youtube? If anyone knows, please let me know how to do it. thanks,
I? love BIJAN so much
nice song. and he plays the? violin himself!
ronak by bijan? mortazavi
My Dearest Zara,I’m so happy that you like the video.
It is great on your? channel,and matching well with your background.
Kisses from Chantale
Viva Persia?
Wowwwwwwwwwwww I like this video so much.So joyful!
@kavehmoosa..Much thanks for? sharing with me.
????? ????? ???? ????? ??? ????
nice? one
very? beautiful….
Bijan jan ma tora dost darim ,Hata agar Kolah Gesto ham bar dari.To bacheh baboli? ma khaily doset darimi.Pass baresh dar,Thanks
Come and watch all your favorite Bijan Mortazavi music videos at the official Caltex Records? YouTube Channel!
Tawalodet Mobarak Shahin!!!!!!!? Grtz Ghazaleh